Meef Steak

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Meef Steak
Meef Steak

Name Meef Steak
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Food 6 (Hunger.pngHunger.pngHunger.png)
Saturation 0.6

Meef Steak is the cooked version of Raw Meef that is dropped by Minotaurs that are found in the Labyrinth. It restores 3 bars of food, one bar less than regular Steak. It can be a renewable source of food, as Minotaur spawners could be moved with a Portal Gun or created with a Soul Shard for the farming of products such as Raw Meef that the Minotaurs drop. It shares a sprite with Steak, but is less potent food-wise than Steak is, being equivalent to Baked Potato and Cooked Chicken in terms of food bars filled and most likely saturation filled as well.


GUI Furnace.png
Raw Meef
Meef Steak


Meef Steak can be used to create the following items: