Sortingwood Engine

Sortingwood Engine
Sortingwood Engine

Name Sortingwood Engine
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Yes (15)
Flammable No
Drops Sortingwood Sortingwood
Required Tool Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

The Sortingwood Engine is the heart of the Sorting Tree found in the Twilight Forest. When activated (right-click), it will sort all Chests and Trapped Chests; other inventories are not searched. Its search area is a cube that expands 16 blocks away from the Sortingwood Engine in every direction. Items will be placed in the chest that contains the most of this item.

Sortingwood Engines will only drop Sortingwood when mined, even if a tool with Silk Touch is used. A player needs to plant a new Sorting Tree with a Sorting Tree Sapling or move the Sortingwood Engine with a Piston when it is needed at a different place.


Sortingwood Engine has no known uses in crafting.

Known Bugs[edit]

  • The Sortingwood Engine may break items that can be stacked but have different NBT-data such as Written Books. These should not be placed in range of a Sortingwood Engine.
  • If two stacks of the same item are larger than 64 items in total, they will be placed in the same chest, but won't form a full stack and a rest. For example, a stack of 32 items and a stack of 37 of the same item will be placed in one chest, however they will not be stacked to a full stack and a stack of 5.