Lich Tower

This article is about the tower found in the Twilight Forest made out of Stone Brick and containing a Twilight Lich. You may be looking for the tower found in the Twilight Forest made out of Wooden Planks.
A Lich Tower, as seen from the outside.
A Lich Tower far away.

The Lich Tower is a tower found in the Twilight Forest. They are large castles made out of Stone Bricks and Birch Wood Planks/Slabs. The Lich Tower is organized symmetrically across a diagonal line of symmetry, yet it is easily possible to get lost within the Tower due to the winding staircases, the dozens of offshoot rooms (generally not profitable to explore; the most advisable course of action is to climb the stairwell and head straight for the top room) and the sheer darkness of the tower.

In the central shaft of the tower (a square of ~10 blocks width) there are two spiral staircases, one made of stone and one made of wood. Steps are missing as well as guardrails, posing a fall damage danger to those without charged Quantum Boots or Long Fall Boots to negate fall damage. Death Tomes, Zombies and Skeletons also spawn from Monster Spawners and naturally within the tower and can push the player off the stairs. Both of the spiral staircases are connected by central bridges approximately every 16 vertical meters. At the top is a room made of wood with a glass floor with walls covered in paintings containing a Twilight Lich.

The Lich Fight[edit]

See the article about the Twilight Lich.