Twilight Oak Leaves

Twilight Oak Leaves
Twilight Oak Leaves

Name Twilight Oak Leaves
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 1.0
Hardness 0.2
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops itself (with Shears)
Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling (0-1)
Robust Twilight Oak Sapling Robust Twilight Oak Sapling (0-1)
Required Tool Shears

Twilight Oak Leaves are a type of leaves that are found in the Twilight Oak tree in the Twilight Forest. When a Twilight Oak is grown from either a Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling or a Robust Twilight Oak Sapling, these leaves will appear in conjunction with Twilight Oak Wood. If a Sickly sapling is used, approximately the amount of leaves and logs that would be generated had a normal Oak Sapling been used are generated. If a Robust sapling is used, a tree with diameter of 3 blocks to 7 blocks is grown with clumps of leaves sprouting off of it, generating hundreds of leaves. These trees can be found fairly frequently throughout the Forest.

Twilight Oak Leaves appear exactly identical to normal Oak Leaves, taking on exactly the same sprite and biome shaders as their counterpart. Twilight Oak Leaves can be harvested to acquire the block by using a pair of Shears. If broken by hand or left to naturally decay after there are no adjacent logs, it will yield either a Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling (equivalent to a normal Oak Sapling) or a Robust Twilight Oak Sapling. Sickly Twilight Oak Saplings are far more common than a Robust Twilight Oak Sapling.


Twilight Oak Leaves can be used to create the following items: