Notes on the Fire Swamp

Notes on the Fire Swamp
Notes on the Fire Swamp

Name Notes on the Fire Swamp
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

When entering the Fire Swamp in the Twilight Forest before defeating the Minoshroom, a Kobold will spawn close to the player. The Kobold will hold a Written Book, that can be read once the Kobold has been defeated. It is titled "Notes on the Fire Swamp - by A Forgotten Explorer". It contains information about how to enter the Hydra Lair.


[ [An explorer's notebook, written on fireproof paper] ]

Fire is a trivial obstacle for a master explorer such as myself. I have traversed seas of fire, and swam through oceans of lava. The burning air here is an interesting variation, but ultimately no hinderance. What does stop me though is that I have encountered another protection spell, this time surrounding a mighty creature that must be king of this fire swamp. This is not the first protection spell I have encountered, and I am beginning to unravel the mysteries of how they work. If this spell is like the others, it will be sustained by a powerful creature nearby.Surrounding the fire swamp are several wet swamps, and under those swamps are labyrinths full of minotaurs. The logical choice to bind such a spell would be some sort of powerful minotaur, different in some way from the others that surround it...