Mangrove Leaves

Mangrove Leaves
Mangrove Leaves

Name Mangrove Leaves
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 1.0
Hardness 0.2
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops itself (with Shears)
Twilight Mangrove Sapling Twilight Mangrove Sapling (0-1)
Required Tool Shears

Mangrove Leaves are a type of leaves found in conjunction with Mangrove Wood in formations of Mangrove Trees. These trees, their leaves and their wood are found exclusively within the Swamp biome and the Fire Swamp biome within the Twilight Forest. These leaves cannot be found naturally in any other location as this is the only location where Mangrove Trees grow. When these leaves are broken normally, they sometimes drop a Twilight Mangrove Sapling which can be used to create more Mangrove Trees. The leaf blocks can also be harvested normally with a pair of Shears.

Mangrove Trees and their leaves are found most often in or near pools or other bodies of water and are always centered on a block of water even if their roots reach into a landmass. Whereas Mangrove Trees grow in the streams and lakes of a Swamp and in the streams of a Fire Swamp (as lakes in Fire Swamps are made of Lava and do not facilitate tree growth), regular Oak trees (similar to those found in normal Swamps in vanilla Minecraft) are found on the landmasses of Twilight Forest Swamps. This is due to the nature of Mangroves, both in the Twilight Forest and in real life, to grow in water instead of on land due to the manner in which that Mangroves grow and proliferate, using roots to propagate more trees instead of as saplings as portrayed in the mod.

Mangrove Leaves appear to use a slightly less saturated sprite of Birch Leaves from vanilla Minecraft. This is a characteristic that is shared with several other Twilight Forest Leaves that use slightly modified sprites of other types of leaves, such as Canopy Tree Leaves.


Mangrove Leaves can be used to create the following items: