

Name Moonworm
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Names
twilightforest:moonworm (MC 1.12)
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.0
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Nothing
Required Tool Any tool

The Moonworm is a block which functions much like a Firefly in that it is a natural source of lighting. Moonworms have no crafting recipe and are not used in any crafting recipes and can only be created by use of a Moonworm Queen. When using a Moonworm Queen, a Moonworm will be created whenever a block is right-clicked with the Moonworm Queen in hand. A Moonworm can also be launched to allow for long-range lighting solutions by holding down the right-click button with a Moonworm Queen in hand and aiming much as one would when using a bow; however, this uses up three Moonworm Queen charges.

Moonworms are a semi-renewable resource; due to the fact that the Moonworm Queen can be recharged by combining a Moonworm Queen with three Torchberries and due to Torchberries' abundance in caves, Moonworms are a potentially viable long-term source of lighting as a fully charged Moonworm Queen yields 256 Moonworms if the launching function is not used.

After being launched or placed, Moonworms can be broken but will not drop a Moonworm item (not even with Silk Touch and as such cannot be relocated once placed. Moonworms are water-soluble as Torches are and will occasionally change their orientation on the block that they are on by rotating themselves. Moonworms emit a block-light level of 14, equivalent to a Torch.


Moonworm can be used to create the following items: