Distillery (BuildCraft)

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Name Distillery
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

Distillery is a block added by the BuildCraft mod. It replaces the Refinery in BuildCraft from version 7.99 on. It is used to refine many Oil-related fluids into other oil-related fluids. See Oil Processing.

When using a Distiller + Combustion engines (for Destiller and pump) + Pump (water for cooling) setup that refines Oil(cool) to Gaseous Fuel(cool) and Heavy Oil(cool) and uses produced Gaseous Fuel as a fuel for engines (and disposes of Heavy Oil), the optimal amount of Combustion engines is two. One for Distiller and one for Pump. Any more Combustion engines for distiller would decrease the speed at which the fuel is stored. (The additional engines burn fuel and do not increase distiller speed.) This was tested using four setups. Each with a Distiller, Pump, and varying number (two to five) of Combustion engines. Setup 1 with one engine for distiller produced a 50k mb of fuel in set amount of time. Setup 2 with two engines for distiller produced a 36.37k mb of fuel in the same amount of time. Setup 3 with three engines produced 19.85k. Setup 4 with four engines produced 9.03k. Tested on 28th July 2019 for buildcraft-all- running on Forge 1.12.2 -


GUI Crafting Table.png
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Tank (BuildCraft)
Redstone Torch
Tank (BuildCraft)
Diamond Gear (BuildCraft)
Tank (BuildCraft)
Distillery (BuildCraft)


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Torch
Tank (BuildCraft)
Redstone Torch
Tank (BuildCraft)
Enderium Gear
Tank (BuildCraft)
Distillery (BuildCraft)


Distillery (BuildCraft) has no known uses in crafting.