Upgrade: Cart Modifier

Upgrade: Cart Modifier
Upgrade: Cart Modifier

Name Upgrade: Cart Modifier
Source Mod Steve's Carts 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Cart Assembler Upgrade
Stackable Yes (64)

The Upgrade: Cart Modifier is a type of upgrade for the Cart Assembler. It allows for editing of already assembled carts, i. e. adding and removing modules. Retrieved modules are stored in the Cart Modifier's inventory.

To use this upgrade:

  1. Shift + right-click on one of the sides the Cart Assembler with the upgrade in hand to attach it to the block.
  2. Right-click on the Upgrade: Cart Modifier (which is now attached to the side of the Cart Assembler) to put in the cart to modify.
  3. Right-click on the Cart Assembler to make changes to the cart.


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Upgrade: Cart Modifier