Extra-Dimensional Storage

Extra-Dimensional Storage
Extra-Dimensional Storage

Name Extra-Dimensional Storage
Source Mod Factorization
ID Name Unknown
Type Upgrade
Stackable Unknown

Extra Dimensional Storage or, more simply, Barrel Upgrade is an upgrade for the Factorization Barrel. It increases the storage size from 64 stacks of 64 to 1024 stacks of 64, making it hold 65536 items in total. The barrel can be upgraded by holding the upgrade in one's hand, holding shift, and right-clicking on the Barrel. Upon doing so, the barrel's corners will change to become darker, indicating that it can hold 1024 stacks. When the Barrel is destroyed, the upgrade will drop with the Barrel. If more than 64 stacks are present in the Barrel, only 64 stacks will drop.

With version 0.8.29 of Factorization this item has been removed as is listed as "Deprecated Extra-Dimensional Storage".


GUI Crafting Table.png
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)
Ender Pearl
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)
Blaze Rod
Barrel (Factorization)
Blaze Rod
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)
Extra-Dimensional Storage


Extra-Dimensional Storage has no known uses in crafting.