Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech 4)

This article is about Ender Pearl Dust from GregTech 4 used in creating component Cells. You may be looking for Ender Pearl Dust from the Portal Gun Mod used in making a Miniature Black Hole.
Ender Pearl Dust
Ender Pearl Dust

Ender Pearl Dust

Name Ender Pearl Dust
Source Mod GregTech
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech) is a type of dust added by GregTech 4 that is used in creating numerous component cells. It can be created by processing an Ender Pearl in a Macerator directly or by processing two Ender Eye Dust in an Industrial Centrifuge. It is used in creating four types of component cells: Beryllium, Chlorite, Nitrogen, and Potassium.

It is important to note that Ender Pearl Dust from GregTech is NOT INTERCHANGEABLE in any way with Ender Pearl Dust from the Portal Gun Mod.


GUI Macerator.png
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech 4)

GUI Industrial Centrifuge.png
Ender Eye Dust

Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech 4)
Blaze Powder

EU: 9,250
Time: 92s

GUI Crafting Table.png
Tiny Pile of Ender Pearl Dust
Tiny Pile of Ender Pearl Dust

Tiny Pile of Ender Pearl Dust
Tiny Pile of Ender Pearl Dust

Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech 4)


Ender Pearl Dust (GregTech 4) can be used to create the following items: