Cross of Mercy

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Cross of Mercy
Cross of Mercy

Name Cross of Mercy
Source Mod Xeno's Reliquary
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 1

Cross of Mercy is a weapon item added by the Xeno's Reliquary mod. The only thing the undead hate more than a shiny bullet is this heavy thing crashing down on their skulls. It deals a small concussive blast every time it comes in contact with an undead creature. It's as enchantable as a gold sword, but try to use it sparingly; For twice the cost of a gold sword, it has twice the durability, but that doesn't mean much. Just left click to swing, pretty straightforward.

It's officially made of gold, for Touchstone of Midas purposes.

It's flavor text refers to the anime series: Trigun. In the series, there is a cross-shaped weapon called The Punisher. It's wielder commented on his weapon's weight, stating that it is heavy because "Its so full of mercy."


Before 1.7[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Glowing Water
Gold Ingot
Glowing Water
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Glowing Water
Gold Ingot
Glowing Water
Cross of Mercy


Cross of Mercy has no known uses in crafting.