Wood Label

Wood Label
Wood Label

Wood Label

Name Wood Label
Source Mod BiblioCraft
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.4.7
Type Decoration
Stackable Yes (64)
Label with diamond, glowstone and gold blocks.

The Wood Label is an alternative to the vanilla item frame added by BiblioCraft. It allows the player to display up to three different items. If the item on display is a light source the label will also act as a light.

To open the interface shift-click on it with an empty hand. Note that one slot can take up to 64 of the same item. A Wood Label can therefore technically store up to 192 items.

The Wood Label can be crafted with any type of vanilla wood. Depending on the wood type it is crafted with, the label will have the matching wood color. Wood types can not be mixed.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab

Wood Label