Waypoint Compass

Waypoint Compass
Waypoint Compass

Name Waypoint Compass
Source Mod BiblioCraft
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.6.4
Type Tool
Stackable Unknown
Compass interface.

The Waypoint Compass is a tool added by BiblioCraft that points to user set co-ordinates in the world. The red side points to the destination.

There are two ways to set the compass co-ordinates. The first is to shift right click with the compass in your hand to bring up an interface where you can name the destination with the X and Z co-ordinates for it. The second method is to right click the compass on a map frame way-point marker, when you do this correctly it will show the way-point name and co-ordinates in the chat window. If you do it incorrectly it will just show previous location information or co-ordinates of 0.

Right clicking with the compass in your hand will tell you in the chat window the world co-ordinates it is pointing to like this: Destination Name @ X = -100 Z = 100


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot

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Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Waypoint Compass