Sentry Turret

Sentry Turret
Name Sentry Turret
Health Hearthalf.png
Armor None
Damage Heart.png
Spawn Manually
Source Mod Portal Gun

A Sentry Turret is an entity added through the Portal Gun Mod, it shoots at both players and mobs. It shoots 25 bullets per second. It only shoots at mobs in front of it at an 180 degree arc.

Sentries can be destroyed easily by punching them or bumping them with your body. This can be done easiest from the back. Their fragility makes them suboptimal for protection from other players or mobs.

The Sentry Turret is an entity which shoots at you and other mobs. Much of its behavior is configurable in the properties file. The properties file (as opposed to the mod's main configuration file) is unique to each world, and is stored in the world's folder inside the saves folder. What the turret targets as an "enemy" is determined by the variable turretMode in the properties file. The variable turretRange, by default equal to 25, decides how many blocks it will sense an "enemy" mob from. If turretIsInvincible=0, it will die if pushed over, shot, exploded or punched. Otherwise, a turret will never die once placed unless it is dropped in lava.

Sentry Turrets can be placed in 8 directions, and will be facing away from the player when placed from the inventory or being picked up using 'S.' Sentry Turrets fire 25 bullets a second and can shoot through iron bars. By default, there is a 1 in 10 chance that, when a Sentry Turret item is placed from your inventory, it will create an Oracle Turret entity. This percentage chance is configurable in the properties file.

Enderman will not teleport away when shot by turrets.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Sentry Turret


GUI Furnace.png
Sentry Turret
Defective Turret

As mentioned before, you can also make an Oracle Turret by simply placing and retrieving the Sentry Turret repeatedly, as there is a chance of each placement resulting in an Oracle Turret.
