Fiendish Bee

Fiendish Bee
Item Fiendish Bee.png

Fiendish Bee

Diapis diabolus
Grid Simmering Comb.png Production Speed: .8 min
Grid Ash (Forestry).png Production Speed: 3.1 min
Required Humidity Arid
Required Temperature Hellish
Pollinates With Nether
Effect Aggressive
Branch Infernal
Source Mod Forestry
Possible Descendants 3 Species

The Fiendish Bee is a type of Bee added by Forestry. Must be created in the nether. The aggressive effect stacks and will kill players not wearing an apiarist suit. It will also kill Zombie pigmen who wonder by. Keep in mind the chunk has to stay loaded for a queen to continue her lifecycle. Have an apiarist suit, plan to stay back but near-by, or make a Chunk Loader.


Pure Fiendish Bees require a Hellish Climate and Arid Humidity to start working, and at least one nether wart.


Fiendish Bees produce Simmering Combs every 0.8 minutes. They also produce Ash every 3.1 minutes. Note that production times are an approximation based on the bee's base production speed and the product's rarity. They do not reflect actual production time.

GUI Centrifuge.png
Simmering Comb
Refractory Wax

Note: Hover the mouse over an item to show its chance.


The traits below are correct for pure-bred Fiendish Bees:

Genetic Traits
Climate / Humidity Hellish / Arid
Temp. Tol / Humid. Tol. -2 / None
Lifespan Long
Speed Normal
Pollination Normal
Flowers Nether
Fertility 2 Drones
Area 9 x 6 x 9
Diurnal / Nocturnal / Flyer / Cave Yes / Yes / No / No
Effect Aggressive


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This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Breeding Pair Chance Result
Sinister Bee x Modest Bee

Sinister + Modest
Can only be created in the Nether

40% Fiendish Bee


Sinister Bee x Tropical Bee

Sinister + Tropical
Can only be created in the Nether

40% Fiendish Bee


Sinister Bee x Cultivated Bee

Sinister + Cultivated
Can only be created in the Nether

40% Fiendish Bee


Further Mutations[edit]

Spoiler warning!
This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Breeding Pair Chance Result
Fiendish Bee x Sinister Bee

Fiendish + Sinister
Can only be created in the Nether

25% Demonic Bee


Fiendish Bee x Modest Bee

Fiendish + Modest

10% Frugal Bee


Fiendish Bee x Corrosive Bee

Fiendish + Corrosive

8% Caustic Bee


Fiendish Bee x Ender Bee

Fiendish + Ender

20% Spirit Bee
