Fall Assist

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Fall Assist
Fall Assist

Name Fall Assist
Source Mod Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.7.2
Type Exosuit Upgrade
Stackable No
Steam Consumption 1 SU per full heat of fall damage

Fall Assist is an Exosuit upgrade placed in the heel slot of the Exosuit Footpiece. When a player takes fall damage, Fall Assist uses one SU for every full heart of fall damage the player would have taken.

In prerelease 17 and after, Fall Assist negates fall damage less than or equal to 3 full hearts. Any fall damage above this amount is divided by 3 before being applied to the player.

In prerelease 16 and earlier, if the fall damage incurred would have been a half heart, it is negated completely. It then divides damage by 1.5 before applying the damage to the player.

Esteemed Innovation Entry[edit]

This footpiece upgrade is a necessity if I'm going to be exploring dangerous terrain. It uses steam to lower fall damage taken from long drops.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Brass Piston
Leather Boots
Brass Piston

Fall Assist