Divining Rod (Cyan)

Divining Rod (Cyan)
Divining Rod (Cyan)

Name Divining Rod (Cyan)
Source Mod Equivalent Exchange 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No

The cyan Divining Rod is a tool from Equivalent Exchange 2 used to find valuable blocks that are not directly visible to the player, such as underground ores hidden behind Stone.

It is an upgraded version of the green Divining Rod, with a few differences. It is possible to change the rod's area using the Toggle key (G by default) from 4 blocks deep to 17 blocks deep. The chat messages displayed when switching modes incorrectly state that the areas are only 3 or 16 blocks deep, respectively. In addition the measurement will not only display the average EMC value of all blocks in the area, but also the value of the most valuable blocks found. The cooldown time between uses is also reduced to two seconds instead of three.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Divining Rod (Green)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Cyan)
Divining Rod (Cyan)


GUI Crafting Table.png
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Divining Rod (Cyan)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Covalence Dust (Blue)
Divining Rod (Blue)