Dimension Builder

Dimension Builder
Dimension Builder

Name Dimension Builder
Source Mod RFTools
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Dimension Builder is a block added by RFTools mod. It is used to create and maintain dimensions coded in Realized Dimension Tabs, using RF power.

A Dimension Builder only has one slot. After a player places a newly made Realized Dimension Tab, the Dimension Builder will create the actual dimension using RF. If a player takes out the tab during the creation process, the progress won't be lost and the creation will resume as soon as the tab is inserted back. The dimension maintenance cost (RF/tick) will be written in Realized Dimension Tab's tooltip after the dimension is created.

After the dimension is ready, Dimension Tab's internal buffer (40 mln RF) will start filling up. When the Dimension Tab is filled completely, power will go to the Dimension Builder's internal power buffer. It is advised not to go into a dimension until its Dimensional Tab is full.

The more complicated a dimension is, the more power it will require for maintenance. This should be taken into consideration, as a Dimensional Builder can only accept 50000 RF/tick from each side of the block, making it 300000 RF/tick total. If a dimension requires more power per tick to stay up, an identical Realized Dimension Tab should be made and then placed into another Dimensional Builder.

Special Efficiency Dimlet and Mediocre Efficiency Dimlet reduce the RF cost per tick to maintain a dimension.


GUI Crafting Table.png
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Ender Pearl
Machine Frame (RFTools)
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Dimension Builder

FTB Infinity Evolved Expert[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Awakened Draconium Block
Draconic Flux Capacitor
Awakened Draconium Block
Draconic Flux Capacitor
Machine Frame (RFTools)
Draconic Flux Capacitor
Awakened Draconium Block
Draconic Flux Capacitor
Awakened Draconium Block
Dimension Builder

Age of Engineering[edit]


Dimension Builder has no known uses in crafting.