Battery Box (RedPower 2)

This article is about RedPower 2's Battery Box. You may be looking for another type of Battery Box.
Battery Box
Battery Box

Battery Box

Name Battery Box
Source Mod RedPower 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Battery Box is a block from RedPower 2 designed to store Blutricity. It has two internal buffers: one small one that is actively available to the Blutricity network; and a second, larger one, which drains or charges the small buffer, depending on the small buffer's charge. The approximate charge level of the large buffer is visible on the sides of the block.

It also has two item slots, one to charge BT Batteries, and one to discharge them. It is however not possible to charge blulectric tools, such as the Sonic Screwdriver, that has to be done by right-clicking a BT Battery with the electric tool in the inventory.

Applying a Redstone current to the Battery Box prevents it from discharging the larger buffer.


GUI Crafting Table.png
BT Battery
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
BT Battery
BT Battery
Iron Ingot
BT Battery
Iron Ingot
Blue Alloy Ingot
Iron Ingot
Battery Box (RedPower 2)
