Ball of Moss

Ball of Moss
Ball of Moss

Name Ball of Moss
Source Mod Tinkers' Construct
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Ball of Moss is an item added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. It is used to add the auto-repair modifier on a Tinkers' Construct tool, causing the tool to slowly repair itself. This process is quicker when the Player is in sunlight. The tool will also change visually, with green moss covering most of the handle and some of the head on pickaxes and only covering most of the handle on swords. The item must stay in your primary inventory in order to repair. It will not repair in any other inventory, including a knapsack.

Recipe [1][edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Moss Stone
Ball of Moss


Ball of Moss has no known uses in crafting.


  1. Moss Stone Moss Stone can be substituted with Mossy Stone Bricks Mossy Stone Bricks.