Wireless Tracker

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Wireless Tracker
Wireless Tracker

Name Wireless Tracker
Source Mod Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Unknown

The Wireless Tracker is a special item that tracks mobs and players by working with the Triangulator and/or Wireless Map.

To use the Tracker, use Shift+RightClick to open up the frequency GUI and set a desired frequency, between 1 and 5000, and do the same with the Triangulator. Be sure that you have the same number set to both the Tracker and the Triangulator, or it won't work. Once you have a frequency set, select the Tracker, point at the desired target, and use Right Click to throw the Tracker. The Tracker will stick to the mob and the Triangulator will act as a compass and point to it. The tracker has infinite range as long as the chunk is loaded. If you've made a Wireless Map for the area, the Tracker will appear as a red dot on the map to represent its location.

Be aware that the map also shows other wireless devices. To bypass multiple wireless devices on the map, use the Triangulator to find the direction the Tracker is in and then use the map to find its location. The only ways to remove a Wireless Tracker is to burn it off a player with either fire or lava, to kill them. or sometimes, get it off with a sticky piston.


GUI Crafting Table.png
REther Pearl



Wireless Tracker