
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)



Name Template:Infobox/Block
Source Mod Unknown
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Unknown
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity Yes
Emits Light Yes (13)
Flammable Yes
Required Tool Wooden Axe Wooden Pickaxe None
Lua Logo.svg This template is written in Lua. The full source code can be found at Module:Infobox/Block.


  • All parameters from {{Infobox/InvItem}}
    • type Default: Block.
  • solid: Whether the block is solid, i. e. entities collide with it. Default: Yes.
  • trans: Whether the block is transparent, i. e. light passes through it. Default: No.
  • gravity: Whether the block is affected by gravity, i. e. turns into a falling entity when there is no other block under it. Default: No.
  • light: The amount of light that the block emits. Default: 0.
  • flammable: Whether the block is flammable, i. e. fire will burn on it until it is destroyed. Default: No.
  • drops: A field to list the drops of a block. Default: Hidden.
  • tool: The lowest tier tool required to successfully mine (or otherwise collect) the block. Multiple tools may be listed in special cases by separating their names with semicolons. Default: Unknown.
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