
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)


Name Parameter
Name Parameter
This is a caption
Name Name Parameter
Row 1 title Row 1 info
Row 2 title Row 2 info
Row 3 title Row 3 info
Row 4 title Row 4 info
Row 5 title Row 5 info
Row 6 title Row 6 info
Row 7 title Row 7 info
Row 8 title Row 8 info
Row 9 title Row 9 info
Row 10 title Row 10 info
New row style working
Lua Logo.svg This template is written in Lua. The full source code can be found at Module:Infobox.


  • name: Mod name and infobox title. Should only be used if actual name differs from page title. Default: {{PAGENAME}}.
  • Box title: Deprecated. Alternative name for {{{name}}}. Only left in for backwards compatibility.
  • img: Image to display in the infobox (without File: or square brackets). A semicolon-separated file list may be given to cycle through multiple images. Replaces {{{image}}}. Default: Hidden.
  • image: Deprecated. Alias for {{{img}}}, only left in for backwards compatibility.
  • imgwidth: Width of the image/s. Ignored if {{{image}}} is used. Default: Full width.
  • fullimage: Deprecated. Image with full syntax, including File: and square brackets. Replaced by {{{img}}} and {{{imgwidth}}}.
  • caption: Caption that appears under the image. May also be displayed if no image is present. Default: Hidden.
  • rows: Additional info rows besides Name. Consists of multiple {{Infobox/Row}}s, separated by single line breaks. Default: Hidden. Example |rows={{Infobox/Row|Mod|[[Equivalent Exchange 2]]}}{{Infobox/Row|Type|Mechanic}}
  • Row # title: Deprecated. Titles for up to ten info rows, with # being the row number. {{{rows}}} should be used instead. Default: Hidden (each row is treated separately).
  • Row # info: Deprecated. Info for up to ten info rows, with # being the row number. {{{rows}}} should be used instead. Default: Hidden, respective info title will be centered instead (each row is treated separately).
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