Ore Drilling Plant

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Ore Drilling Plant
Ore Drilling Plant

Name Ore Drilling Plant
Source Mod GregTech 5
ID Name Unknown
Type Structure
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Ore Drilling Plant is a large multiblock structure added by GregTech 5 that mines a 97*97 area around it for ores. It has higher yield than manual mining and automatically crushes ores into dusts when possible.


To work, the Ore Drilling Plant needs Drilling Fluid supplied through the Input Hatch and Mining Pipes from the invisible slot in the Ore Drilling Plant Controller. A minimum of 48 EU/t needs to be supplied to the Energy Hatch (MV or better) to operate the structure.
The operating speed is determined by the tier of the Energy Hatch used in the build. With a MV Energy Hatch, the Ore Drilling Plant executes one mining operation every 24 ticks (1.2 seconds). For each increase in Energy Hatch tier, operating speed will double and energy consumption quadruples.
Per operation, 100mb of Drilling Fluid are also consumed.
The Ore Drilling Plant always completely mines one height layer in its 97*97 area before moving down to the next one. Per layer, one Mining Pipe is used.
Like with all other GregTech multiblocks, mined materials will be destroyed if there is no room in the Output Hatch.
Also note that the Ore Drilling Plant doesn't chunkload the chunks it is working in. The machine will not mine any blocks in unloaded chunks.


The Ore Drilling Plant is a 3*3*7 (W*D*H) structure. The following materials are required for successful construction:

Except for the Controller, which needs to be centered on any of the sides, all blocks in the bottommost layer can be rearranged to the players liking.
The structure below is an example of how the Ore Drilling Plant could be set up.

Steel Frame Box

Steel Frame Box

Steel Frame Box

Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box

Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box

Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Steel Frame Box
Steel Frame Box

Maintenance Hatch (GregTech 5)
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Input Hatch (LV)
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Advanced Miner II
MV Energy Hatch
Solid Steel Machine Casing
Output Bus (LV)