Auto Compressed Hammer

Auto Compressed Hammer
Auto Compressed Hammer

Name Auto Compressed Hammer
Source Mod Ex Compressum
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.7.10
Type Tile Entity
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.
This article is about Auto Hammer From Ex Nihilo. You may be looking for Compressed Hammer.

The Auto Compressed Hammer is a device added by Ex Compressum that allows the automation of the Ex Nihilo Compressed Hammer using Redstone Flux (RF).

The Auto Compressed Hammer has an input slot that holds a stack of material and an internal inventory of 20 slots to hold the output. It consumes 40 RF/t over 13.3 seconds to perform a single operation - consuming 10,666 RF to hammer one compressed block. If supplied with excess RF it will buffer up to 32,000 RF.

Blocks can be inserted into the Input slot and extracted from the Output Inventory using Hoppers or Pipes.

The Auto Compressed Hammer can be enhanced by adding additional Compressed Diamond Hammers into the empty slots. Each hammer will improve speed by 50% (additive), so with two Compressed Diamond Hammers, it will be twice as fast.

This is the same as an Auto Hammer but faster and can break down compressed blocks.


GUI Crafting Table.png
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Compressed Diamond Hammer
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Steel Ingot
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
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Auto Compressed Hammer


Auto Compressed Hammer has no known uses in crafting.