Oil Distillery

Oil Distillery
Oil Distillery

Name Oil Distillery
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Structure
Stackable Unknown

The Oil Distillery is a Multiblock structure added by the Magneticraft mod. The Oil Distillery is the first of the Multiblock machines used for Magneticraft processing of Oil.

It is powered by Magneticraft Low Voltage that either has to be produced by Magneticraft machines or converted from other sources of power (RF, etc) using Magneticraft converters.

Magneticraft Oil processing starts by extracting Crude Oil or Oil from the world. Oil is processed in the Magneticraft Oil Distillery to create Hot Crude Oil, which in turn is processed in the Magneticraft Refinery to produce Light Oil, Heavy Oil and Natural Gas.

The Oil Distillery Control block is the heart of the Magneticraft Multiblock Oil Distillery structure. The Oil Distillery is built by placing this block one block above the ground and then right-clicking it to see a ghost layout of the other blocks to place. When placing the Oil Distillery Control, the front will always face towards you.

The Oil Distillery is a 3 x 3 x 3 solid Multiblock structure that is built with 1x Oil Distillery Control, 12x Multiblock Chassis, 10x Multiblock Component, 2x Multiblock Energy I/O (Low Voltage) and 2x Refinery Tank.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Carbide Ingot
Heater (Magneticraft)
Carbide Ingot
Carbide Ingot
Multiblock Component
Carbide Ingot
Carbide Ingot
Multiblock Chassis
Carbide Ingot
Oil Distillery Control

GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot
Machine Housing
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot

Multiblock Chassis
GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot

Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Machine Housing
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)

Iron Ingot

Multiblock Component
GUI Crafting Table.png
Multiblock Chassis
Low Voltage Cable

Multiblock Energy I/O (Low Voltage)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Multiblock Component
Multiblock Component
Multiblock Component

Fluid Tank (Magneticraft)

Refinery Tank


See Also[edit]