Grinder (Magneticraft)



Name Grinder
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Structure
Stackable Unknown

Grinder is a multiblock Structure added by the Magneticraft mod. The Grinder is the second of the machines used for ore processing that can multiply output.

It is powered by Magneticraft Low Voltage that either has to be produced by Magneticraft machines or converted from other sources of power (RF, etc) using Magneticraft converters.

The Grinder turns Chunks from the Crusher into their respective Magneticraft specific Rubble and has a small chance of also producing alternative Dusts. The Rubble can be smelted (some Rubble like the Uranium Rubble can not be smelted and must be further processed) to produce 2 Ingots or can be further refined by grinding them again in the Grinder to produce Pebbles for the Sifter. Each additional step has a small chance of producing additional Dust.

Grinder Control is a block added by the Magneticraft mod. It is the heart of the multiblock Grinder structure. The Grinder is built by placing this block one block above the ground and then right-clicking it to see a ghost layout of the other blocks to place.

The Grinder is a 3 Wide x 3 Deep x 5 Tall hollow multiblock structure that is built with 1x Grinder Control, 37x Multiblock Chassis, 2x Multiblock I/O and 2x Multiblock Energy I/O (Low Voltage).


GUI Crafting Table.png
Carbide Ingot
Electric Motor (Magneticraft)
Carbide Ingot
Iron Ingot
Multiblock Chassis
Iron Ingot
Carbide Ingot
Small Battery
Carbide Ingot
Grinder Control
GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot
Machine Housing
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot

Multiblock Chassis
GUI Crafting Table.png
Multiblock Chassis

Multiblock I/O
GUI Crafting Table.png
Multiblock Chassis
Low Voltage Cable

Multiblock Energy I/O (Low Voltage)
