Magnetizer (IndustrialCraft 2)



Name Magnetizer
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Storage 15 EU per connected fence + 100 EU
Energy 32 (LV)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wrench

The Magnetizer can be used to turn Iron Fences stacked onto one another into a powerful alternative to a normal ladder. Upon powering the Magnetizer, it idles without consuming any EU. However, when a Magnetized Iron Fence is approached by a player who has equipped metal shoes (Iron, Gold, Bronze, Nano or Quantum), the Magnetizer begins consuming 2 EU/t, while propelling the player vertically upwards at a great speed. To do so, stand in front of the fence, hold down the right mouse button pointed at the fence and jump. Iron Fences can be attached both to the bottom and to the top of the Magnetizer. A single Magnetizer can power 20 Fences above it and 20 Fences below it. When fences are attached to both sides of the Magnetizer, they do not affect each other, i.e. a single Magnetizer can service a 41 block high elevator (Magnetizer in the middle, 20 Fences up, 20 Fences down).


It needs to be powered by IndustrialCraft2 compatible energy to function.

Input: 2 EU/t

Storage: 100 EU + (15 EU times connected Iron Fences)

Maximum Input: 32 EU/t before exploding


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Dust
Iron Fence
Redstone Dust
Redstone Dust
Machine Block
Redstone Dust
Redstone Dust
Iron Fence
Redstone Dust
Magnetizer (IndustrialCraft 2)