Kinetic Wind Generator

Kinetic Wind Generator
Kinetic Wind Generator

Name Kinetic Wind Generator
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name Unknown
Type kU Generator
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wrench

The Kinetic Wind Generator produces Kinetic energy based on wind strength and Rotor being used, the rotors degrade and will require replacing periodically. EU is produced by attaching a Kinetic Generator to the opposite side of the rotor blades. 1 EU is produced for every 4 kU.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Shaft (Iron)
Basic Machine Casing
Shaft (Iron)

Kinetic Wind Generator


A GUI can be accessed by right clicking the Kinetic Wind Generator in which there is a slot is available for a rotor to be placed and two lines of feedback, the rotor health and current output (kU).

Once a rotor is inserted Kinetic energy will be produced as long as the wind strength is sufficient and there are no obstructions, until the rotor degrades entirely.

The wind strength is determined by the height, weather and random chance. Wind strength rises with height, the wind strength below a height of 64 is insufficient for the Kinetic Wind Generator function. When it is raining or there is a storm the wind strength will be significantly increased.


Each rotor type has a minimal wind strength and space required for the rotor to operate, any less and the rotor will not rotate and no energy is produced. The rotor occupies the space one block in front of the Kinetic Wind Generator.

The minimal wind strength for rotor measured in MCW and space required with the Kinetic Wind Generator behind the central block is as follows:

Rotor Minimal MCW Minimal Space
Wooden Rotor 10 MCW 5 x 5 blocks
Iron Rotor 14 MCW 7 x 7 block
Refined Iron Rotor 17 MCW 9 x 9 blocks
Carbon Rotor 20 MCW 11 x 11 blocks

Rotors will obstruct each other of their areas overlap and Kinetic Wind Generators appear to obstruct any other Kinetic Wind Generator placed behind them within the dimensions of their rotors (for significant number of blocks behind them).