Thaumcraft 6

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This article is about Thaumcraft 6. You may be looking for other versions of Thaumcraft.
Thaumcraft 6
Name Thaumcraft 6
Creator Azanor
Type Magic
Latest Version 6.1.BETA26
Minecraft Version 1.10.2, 1.12.2
Website CurseForge
Add-on Mods Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning
Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed
Thaumic Energistics 2
Thaumic JEI
Thaumic Periphery
Root Mod Minecraft Forge, Baubles
Modpacks Direwolf20 1.12 Pack
Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
Feed The Beast Interactions
Feed The Beast Revelation
Feed The Beast Sky Adventures
Feed The Beast Sky Odyssey
Feed The Beast Stoneblock 2

Thaumcraft 6 is the newest version of Thaumcraft. Many things have been changed in this version. Vis is stored in aura, like in Thaumcraft 5, but now Arcane Workbench gets it directly from aura. Researches are now reworked. Wands were changed into Gauntlets. Eldritch tab is more complicated to unlock.

There are many other changes but it is hard to say about them all.