File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
20:16, 19 April 2014 Facade - hidden signal transmission.png (file) 157 KB Hidden transmission of a redstone signal in a one block thick shaft, using Pipe Wire, Gates and Facades.
17:19, 19 April 2014 Facade - supporting lever.png (file) 235 KB A simple direction switch with an Iron Transport Pipe and a lever supported by a facade.
17:16, 19 April 2014 Facade - not blocking connectivity.png (file) 294 KB Illustration of facades not blocking connectivity between pipes.
17:14, 19 April 2014 Facade - independence of sides.png (file) 305 KB Shows the independence of different faces of a pipe covered by facades.
02:23, 12 February 2014 Template02 bee produce test.png (file) 2 KB