Silver Chest Transporter

Silver Chest Transporter
Silver Chest Transporter

Name Silver Chest Transporter
Source Mod Chest Transporter
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 19

Silver Chest Transporter is an item added by the Chest Transporter mod. It allows to pick up chests and various mod added containers by right-clicking them, so they can be carried around without loosing the items held. Monster Spawners can be carried around, too. When carrying a chest or a spawner, the player will suffer from Hunger, Slowness III and Mining Fatigue IV, as well being not able to jump up blocks. The carried block can be placed by right-clicking again, reducing the durability of the chest transporter by one. This is the only Chest Transporter that (currently) cannot be crafted.


Silver Chest Transporter has no known uses in crafting.