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Name ProjectE
Creator sinkillerj
Type Alchemy
Latest Version 1.0.1B
Minecraft Version 1.19.2
Website Project Page
Forum MC Forum thread
Add-on Mods Thaumic Equivalence
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
Feed The Beast Continuum
Feed The Beast Interactions
Feed The Beast Sky Adventures
Feed The Beast Sky Odyssey
Feed The Beast Stoneblock 2
Journey to the Core
Material Energy^5
Resonant Rise
Stoneblock 3

The ProjectE mod is a complete rewrite of the Equivalent Exchange 2 mod for MC 1.7+.

It brings back most items from the original mod, such as the Transmutation Tablet (Item), the Energy Collector and the Energy Condenser, Rings, and several other trinkets many players may still remember.

It also features many quality of life improvements, such as allowing derivative fuel items (like the Blaze Rod) to be considered fuel for the purposes of the Energy Collector's fuel upgrade ability, the ability to discharge Klein Stars directly into the transmutation table via ether the center slot or the middle slot of the production side, a search bar being added to the Transmutation Tablet, and having said Transmutation Tablet no longer be locked to only Arcane Fuel and Matter while holding EMC.

It also features an automatic EMC calculation method which attempts to find the EMC value of crafted items based on it's ingredients and fixes many EMC loops in the process.

Most basic mechanics are unchanged from Equivalent Exchange 2, and the info found for that mod will still be of significant use.

See Also: ProjectE (Fandom)