
Lua Logo.svg This is the Lua module for Template:Grid/T4Aspect. Below is the documentation for that template.

This template is used to display Thaumcraft 4 aspects in grid templates, similar to {{Grid/Item}}, this template can show an amount and tooltip for the aspect.




  • name: The aspect's name, always used for hover text, and is used to determine image name and link target if not overwritten.
  • top: Distance of the top-left image corner from the top edge of the grid.
  • left: Distance of the top-left image corner from the left edge of the grid.
  • link: Replacement link target. Default: List of Aspects
  • amount: Stack size number, must be between 2 and 64 to be displayed. Default: Hidden

local p = {}

local g = require("Module:Common")
local s = require("Module:Sprite")
local cn = require("Module:Grid/Crafting_Square_Numbers")

p.aspects = {
	["aer"] = 2;
	["alienis"] = 3;
	["aqua"] = 4;
	["arbor"] = 5;
	["auram"] = 6;
	["bestia"] = 7;
	["citrus"] = 67; -- PFG
	["cognitio"] = 8;
	["coralos"] = 77; -- ABI
	["corpus"] = 9;
	["desidia"] = 50; -- FM
	["dreadia"] = 76; -- ABI
	["electrum"] = 57; -- GT
	["exanimis"] = 10;
	["exubitor"] = 64; -- TW
	["fabrico"] = 11;
	["fames"] = 12;
	["fluctuatio"] = 68; -- TE
	["fluxus"] = 68; -- PFG
	["gelum"] = 13;
	["granum"] = 65; -- TA
	["gula"] = 51; -- FM
	["herba"] = 14;
	["humanus"] = 15;
	["ignis"] = 16;
	["infernus"] = 52; -- FM
	["instrumentum"] = 17;
	["invidia"] = 53; -- FM
	["ira"] = 54; -- FM
	["iter"] = 18;
	["limus"] = 19;
	["lucrum"] = 20;
	["lux"] = 21;
	["luxuria"] = 55; -- FM
	["machina"] = 22;
	["magnes"] = 69; -- PFG
	["magneto"] = 58; -- GT
	["matrix"] = 73; -- ET
	["messis"] = 23;
	["metallum"] = 24;
	["meto"] = 25;
	["mortuus"] = 26;
	["motus"] = 27;
	["mru"] = 71; -- ET
	["nebrisum"] = 59; -- GT
	["ordo"] = 28;
	["pannus"] = 29;
	["perditio"] = 30;
	["perfodio"] = 31;
	["permutatio"] = 32;
	["potentia"] = 33;
	["praecantatio"] = 34;
	["radiation"] = 72; -- ET
	["radio"] = 60; -- GT
	["revelatio"] = 70; -- PFG
	["sanctus"] = 63; -- TheE
	["sano"] = 35;
	["saxum"] = 66; -- TA
	["sensus"] = 36;
	["spiritus"] = 37;
	["strontio"] = 61; -- GT
	["superbia"] = 56; -- FM
	["telum"] = 38;
	["tempestas"] = 39;
	["tempus"] = 62; -- MB
	["tenebrae"] = 40;
	["terminus"] = 74; -- Avaritia
	["terra"] = 41;
	["tincturem"] = 75; -- BA
	["tutamen"] = 42;
	["unknown"] = 1;
	["vacuos"] = 43;
	["venenum"] = 44;
	["victus"] = 45;
	["vinculum"] = 46;
	["vitium"] = 47;
	["vitreus"] = 48;
	["volatus"] = 49;

function p.makeAspect(name, amount, link, tooltip, top, left)
	local sprite = p.aspects[name:lower()] or p.aspects['unknown']
	local output = '<div data-tooltip="' .. tooltip .. '" class="tooltip griditem" '
	output = output .. 'style="top:' .. g.px(top) .. ';left:' .. g.px(left)
	output = output .. '">' .. s.makeSprite('T4aspects.png', sprite - 1, 32, 512, link, g.cap(name))
	output = output .. '</div>'
	if amount > 1 or amount == 0 then
		output = output .. '<div data-tooltip="' .. tooltip .. '" class="tooltip gridamount" '
		output = output .. 'style="top:' .. g.px(top + 16) .. ';left:' .. g.px(left - 4)
		output = output .. '">' .. cn.makeCraftingNumbers(amount, link) .. '</div>'
	return output

function p.makeShadedAspect(name, amount, link, tooltip, top, left)
	local output = '<div data-tooltip="' .. tooltip .. '" class="tooltip griditem" '
	output = output .. 'style="width:64px;height:64px;'
	output = output .. 'top:' .. g.px(top) .. ';left:' .. g.px(left)
	output = output .. '">' .. g.img('T4aspectback.png', "64px", link, g.cap(name))
	output = output .. '</div>'
	return output .. p.makeAspect(name, amount, link, tooltip, top + 16, left + 16)

function p.main(frame)
	local frame, args = g.getFrameAndArgs(frame)
	local name = args.name
	if not g.isGiven(name) then
		name = 'unknown'
	name = g.cap(name:lower())
	local amount = 1
	if g.isGiven(args.amount) and tonumber(args.amount) then
		amount = tonumber(args.amount)
	local tooltip = name
	if amount > 1 or amount == 0 then
		tooltip = amount .. '&nbsp;' .. tooltip
	local top = 0
	if g.isGiven(args.top) and tonumber(args.top) then
		top = tonumber(args.top)
	local left = 0
	if g.isGiven(args.left) and tonumber(args.left) then
		left = tonumber(args.left)
	local link = 'List of Aspects'
	if g.isGiven(args.link) then
		link = args.link
	local output = ''
	if g.isGiven(args.shaded) then 
		output =  p.makeShadedAspect(name, amount, link, tooltip, top, left)
		if g.isGiven(args.nogrid) then
			output = '<div class="tc4aspect _64px">' .. output .. '</div>'
		output = p.makeAspect(name, amount, link, tooltip, top, left)
		if g.isGiven(args.nogrid) then
			output = '<div class="tc4aspect _32px">' .. output .. '</div>'
	return output

return p