Jammy Furniture Mod

Jammy Furniture Mod
Jammy Furniture Mod
Name Jammy Furniture Mod
Creator Unknown
Latest Version 4.4 in NewWorld v6.4
Minecraft Version Unknown
Website Jammy Furniture Mod(MC Forums)
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks New World Mod Pack

Jammys Furniture Mod is all about keeping your home looking, well, like a home. Still creating that chair from signs and wood? It's time to take a look at all the options this mod has to offer. From chairs to bathtubs to chimneys and washing machines, there isn't much in the way of aesthetics that is left out of this mod. Just take a look at all the various blocks below that can make your home complete. This page needs assistance from the community to become fully developed(i.e. A nav template) but in the meantime, if you can't find an answer here, take a look at the official Jammy Furniture Mod Documentation?