Alternate Terrain Generation

Alternate Terrain Generation
Name Alternate Terrain Generation
Creator Unknown
Type World Generator
Latest Version Unknown
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Forum [1]
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Feed The Beast Horizons
Feed The Beast Monster
Feed The Beast Resurrection
Hexi's Dark Depths
Tech World 2
The MadPack
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Alternate Terrain Generation adds a new world type which entirely replaces the base method of creating the world.

Vanilla generation creates "blobs" of land within the world and assigns random biomes to each, shuffling them around a bit to add rivers and such. The height and shape of terrain within these areas is determined by the biome, not the rest of the world.

ATG completely changes this, instead creating height, temperature and moisture maps for the world and deriving the final biome based upon those. Higher areas are colder, areas away from the sea and where the temperature is high tend to be dryer.

You can change nearly everything in the config file. Because you have to choose the ATG-Alternate type as world type you can only use it with Biomes'o'Plenty if you change the generator.cfg in the ATG folder. You can find a complete config file for the generator.cfg for Biomes'o'Plenty, Thaumcraft and Buildcraft (TC and BC are not necessary) here.