Precision Shears

Precision Shears
Precision Shears

Name Precision Shears
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Precision Shears is a tool item added by the Extra Utilities mod. 'Shift+right-clicking' while pointing at a block harvestable using stone tools will instantly harvest the block and place it in the player's inventory. Unstable Ingot Unstable Ingot can be substituted with Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot. These will enchant the Precision Shears with Unbreaking X. Note, that when shears used to harvest blocks in this manner, it will have an about 1 second cooldown between each block breaking. This can be greatly reduced by putting Efficiency enchantment on it. And no, it can't break blocks that aren't harvestable at all.

If use simply holding left-click while pointing at block, it will functionate like some kind of multi-tool, speeding up breaking of any blocks and having harvest level equivalent to the stone tools.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Angel Block
Unstable Ingot

Unstable Ingot
Angel Block

Precision Shears


Precision Shears has no known uses in crafting.