Power Armor Tinker Table

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Power Armor Tinker Table
Power Armor Tinker Table

Name Power Armor Tinker Table
Source Mod Modular Powersuits
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 3000.0
Hardness 1.5
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Yes (6)
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Power Armor Tinker Table is a block added by the Modular Powersuits mod used for upgrading Power Armor.

When the GUI is accessed, the player's inventory and armor slots are searched for any pieces of Power Armor. At first it shows a blank green screen, with the pieces of armor on the left. When a piece of armor or the tool is clicked on, another GUI is opened. This GUI shows what modules can be attached to the given item. When a module is clicked on, it shows the pieces required to install that module. After pressing install it can either be salvaged and have a high possibility of getting your module pieces back (unless it is a capacitor), or the different sliders to the right of the screen can be changed if necessary. This process is free in Creative mode.


GUI Crafting Table.png

Electronic Circuit

Machine Block

Power Armor Tinker Table
GUI Crafting Table.png

Electrum Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Machine Frame (Thermal Expansion)
Electrum Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Redstone Transmission Coil

Power Armor Tinker Table
