Magical Assembler

This page covers content or features that are no longer available in newer mod versions.

Information on this article does not apply to most recent versions of the respective mod, the described features have been deprecated or removed.

Magical Assembler
Magical Assembler

Name Magical Assembler
Source Mod EssentialCraft III
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 5.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

Magical Assembler is a block added by the EssentialCraft III mod. It should be a device that can perform recipes of Radiating Chamber, Magician Table and Crafting Table, but in 4.6.1710.70 version it is broken, not accepting items. It is not present in game as of version


GUI Crafting Table.png
Magical Plate
Magical Plate
Magical Display (Item)
Magical Display (Item)
Magical Plate
Magical Plate
MRU Conversion Matrix
MRU Conversion Matrix
Elemental Core
Elemental Core
MRU Conversion Matrix
MRU Conversion Matrix
Magical Plate
Magical Plate
MRU Linking Device
MRU Linking Device
Magical Plate
Magical Plate
Magical Assembler

Elemental Core Elemental Core can be substituted with the following items: Pale Elemental Core Pale Elemental Core, Demonic Core Demonic Core.

Magical Plate Magical Plate can be substituted with the following items: Mithriline Plate Mithriline Plate, Pale Plating Pale Plating, Demonic Plate Demonic Plate.


Magical Assembler has no known uses in crafting.