ME Dense Cable - Fluix

ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix

Name ME Dense Cable - Fluix
Source Mod Applied Energistics 2
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Quartz Wrench

The ME Dense Cable - Fluix is an block added by the Applied Energistics 2 mod. Used as a main data line to transmit 32 channels from an ME Controller to a distribution network of ME Glass, Covered or Smart Cable and ME devices. One Controller is capable of connecting up to 6 Dense Cables, in turn each can branch off to 4 smaller cable lines connecting up to 192 ME devices to the network. The Dense Cable also displays the amount of channels that are been used. In addition there are 16 coloured cables made with the appropriate dye. The coloured Cables allows contact with other cables without sharing the signal or connecting to any other cable but the ones of the same colour.


GUI Crafting Table.png
ME Covered Cable - Fluix
ME Covered Cable - Fluix
ME Covered Cable - Fluix
ME Covered Cable - Fluix
Glowstone Dust

ME Dense Cable - Fluix
GUI Crafting Table.png
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
Lapis Lazuli
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Fluix
ME Dense Cable - Blue


ME Dense Cable - Fluix has no known uses in crafting.