Item Translocator

Item Translocator
Item Translocator

Name Item Translocator
Source Mod Translocators
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 1.5
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

The Item Translocator is a block added by the Translocators mod.

It is used to transfer items between inventories a space apart from each other. Right-clicking the center of the Translocator with an empty hand will toggle between import and export mode, shown by the center piece moving in or out. The Translocators allow up to six inventories to be connected in one space. The GUI [1] allows the Player to filter up to 9 items.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Gold Ingot
Item Translocator

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Chipset
Ender Pearl
Redstone Chipset
Iron Ingot
Intricate Circuit Board
Iron Ingot
Redstone Chipset
Gold Ingot
Redstone Chipset
Item Translocator


The Translocator can be upgraded by Right-clicking it with a given upgrade item. Upgrades may be combined. Shift+Right-clicking with an empty hand will remove the upgrades.

  • Redstone Redstone
    • Makes the Translocator respond to a Redstone signal.
      • Applying a Redstone signal will toggle between input and output mode.
  • Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
    • The translocator will emit a Redstone signal to the attached inventory on certain conditions:
      • On input mode, it will emit if there is no room for any item that matches the filter.
      • On output mode, it will emit if there is no place where any item can be put that matches the filter.
  • Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust
    • Enables the Translocator to transfer items a stack at a time. The stack amount can be set in the filter [2].
  • Diamond Nugget Diamond Nugget
    • This upgrade puts the Translocator in Regulate mode. In this mode it will transfer a certain amount of items, set by the filter and mode [2], to the adjacent inventory.
      • On input mode, it will only accept items to fill the inventory to the matching filter amount.
      • On output mode, it will eject any items above the matching filter amount.


Item Translocator has no known uses in crafting.


  1. Opened by Right-clicking on the outer rim of the translocator.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Click the ghost item in the filter to increase the amount; Right-click it to decrease. Holding Shift will change the amount by increments of 16.