
Name Headcrumbs
Creator ganymedes01
Type Cosmetic
Latest Version 2.0.3
Minecraft Version 1.11.2
Website Website
Forum Minecraft Forum post
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
Feed The Beast Mage Quest
Material Energy^4
Resonant Rise
Sky Factory
Sky Factory 2
The Crack Pack 2

This mod used to be a simple feature from Gany's End but by popular demand it was decided to be released as a separate mod.

What the mod adds:

-Vanilla mobs/animals heads

-Thermal Foundation

-Twilight Forest mobs heads

-Natura mobs heads

-Thaumcraft mobs heads

-Primitive Mobs heads

-Grimoire of Gaia heads

-Laser Creeper Robot Dino Riders From Space heads

-Minecraft celebrities heads as dungeon loot

-All of the heads added by this mod are wearable

-Create player statues by placing a head on top of 2 clay blocks!

-MOBS! A modder/youtuber/streamer/friend can be found as a hostile mob in the world. Any names added to the config file will also spawn in the world.