Emasher Resource

Emasher Resource
Name Emasher Resource
Creator Unknown
Type Resource Generation
Latest Version
Minecraft Version 1.6.4
Website Official Wiki
Add-on Mods Engineer's Toolbox
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks DNS Techpack
Feed The Beast Horizons
Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker
Feed The Beast Monster
Tech World 2
Test Pack Please Ignore
Yogscast Complete Pack

Emasher Resource is a mod by Emasher, which adds some new ores to the game. Each of them can be disabled, and the way they spawn including rarity, vein size, max and min height and BiomeDictionary tags can be changed in the config. All of the ores are registered in the OreDictionary meaning they're interchangeable with ores from other mods and so are the ingots they produce when smelted. All of the ores currently require an iron or better pickaxe to harvest.

This mod by itself does not add much, but when combined with Engineer's Toolbox, GasCraft or Defense mod, it is very useful.

NOTE: In Monster, all ore generation from this mod is disabled. You will need to turn it on in the config to get any of these ores.


Name Produces OreDictionary
Cassiterite Ore Tin Ingot oreTin
Native Copper Ore Copper Ingot oreCopper
Pentlandite Ore Nickel Ingot oreNickel
Galena Ore Lead Ingot oreLead
Bauxite Ore Aluminium Ingot oreAluminium
Emery Ore Emery oreEmery
Ruby Ore Ruby oreRuby
Sapphire Ore Sapphire oreSapphire