Chest Transporter

Chest Transporter
Name Chest Transporter
Creator CubeX2
Type Utility
Latest Version 2.8.8
Minecraft Version 1.7.2 - 1.12.2
Website Curseforge
Forum Minecraft Forum post
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Age of Engineering
Feed The Beast Beyond
Feed The Beast Continuum
Feed The Beast Horizons III
Feed The Beast Infinity Lite 1.10
Feed The Beast Revelation
Feed The Beast Sky Adventures
Feed The Beast Sky Odyssey
Feed The Beast Stoneblock 2
Feed The Beast Unstable 1.12

The Chest Transporter mod adds items to transport chests and Monster Spawners as an item in your inventory. Chest won't drop their content when picked up. However the player will get Mining Fatigue IV, Hunger and Slowness III effects for three seconds, as well as a Jump Boost effect that prohibits the player from jumping up full blocks. A good work-around is to place the carried chest in a backpack, so the negative effects won't be applied.

Transporting Monster Spawners can be disabled in the config file.